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Procesul de stingere și aprindere a sculei de camping

1. Exercițiul se referă la răcirea rapidă a oțelului după încălzirea oțelului la o anumită temperatură, astfel încât structura țesutului său să se schimbe, thereby improving the hardness and strength. The temperature of quenching is different from the cooling medium, which will have a different impact on the performance of steel. Generally speaking, the quenching temperature of the carbon steel outdoor tool is about 1000 ° C. The cooling medium can choose water, oil or air. Water cooling speed is the fastest, but it is easy to produce deformation and cracks: the oil cooling speed is moderate, but it is easy to produce sparks and smoke: the air cooling speed is the slowest, but it is not easy to produce deformation and cracks.

Recking process

2. Reflection refers to cooling the quenching steel to cool down after a certain temperature, astfel încât structura țesutului său să se schimbe, thereby reducing the hardness and strength, and improving toughness and plasticity. The temperature and time of recovery will have a different impact on the performance of steel. Generally speaking, the recovery temperature of the carbon steel outdoor tool is about 200 ° C, and the time is about 1 hour. Excessive fire temperature and time will cause steel to soften, and too low will cause steel to become crispy.



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