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The Chinese -style kitchen knife is generally divided into: mulberry knife, scalpel, cultural martial arts knife, chop bone knife, Jiujiang Bay, burning sword, leather knife and duck blade.
Mulberry knife: rectangular, thin and narrow, usually black and white, the lightest and most used is it, cut meat and vegetables, not for cutting bones, because the opening angle is very small, it is easy to get stuck the wounded knife knife. Essence
Piece: Rectangular, the knife is wider than the mulberry knife. It is called a knife).
Wenwu knife: rectangular, open angle thicker than the chip knife, you can use it to cut chicken and bones, or cut vegetables. It can be chopped, cut, and scrape. Modern families are most widely used.
Cutting bone knife: rectangular, protruding from the knife, large and heavy, used to cut bones such as chopped pork ribs, fish heads, chicken thigh bones, and the blade mouth is blunt.
Jiujiang Bay: Generally, the head of the restaurant is obviously wide than the tail of the knife. The back of the knife is curved.
Burning waxy knife: used to cut cooked food, sausage.
Skin knife: The knife specifically used to shoot shrimp dumplings, do not open the blade.
Duck film knife: It is used for the Beijing roast duck knife, long and narrow, usually about 5cm wide and narrow.
